About me
Welcome! I am a third year PhD Student at the Weierstraß Institute (WIAS) in the research group Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks under the supervision of Benedikt Jahnel and a Phase II Student at the Berlin Mathematical School.
From January 2025 until June 2025 I will be a visiting graduate student at UCLA, let me know if you're interested to meet and talk about math!
Research interests
Interacting particle systems, random dynamics, Gibbs measures, percolation.
[10] arXiv:2412.20781 [pdf,simulations]
The planar lattice two-neighbor graph percolates
With David Coupier, Benoît Henry, and Benedikt Jahnel.
[9] arXiv:2412.19957 [pdf]
Evolutionary games on the lattice: multitype contact process with density-dependent birth rates
With Nicolas Lanchier and Max Mercer.
[8] arXiv:2408.17170 [pdf]
The variational principle for a marked Gibbs point process with infinite-range multibody interactions
With Benedikt Jahnel, Yannic Steenbeck, and Alexander Zass.
[7] arXiv:2404.09944 [pdf]
Survival and extinction for a contact process with a density-dependent birth rate
With Nicolas Lanchier and Max Mercer.
[6] arXiv:2402.12300 [pdf, video]
Time-periodic behaviour in one- and two-dimensional interacting particle systems
With Benedikt Jahnel.
[5] arXiv:2306.14888 [pdf]
Percolation in lattice k-neighbor graphs
With Benedikt Jahnel, Bas Lodewijks, and András Tóbiás.
Accepted for publication in: Journal of Applied Probability.
On the long-time behaviour of reversible interacting particle systems in one and two dimensions
With Benedikt Jahnel.
Probability and Mathematical Physics 6-2 (2025), 479--503.
[3] doi:10.1214/22-AAP1926 [arxiv,pdf]
Dynamical Gibbs Variational Principles for Irreversible Interacting Particle Systems with Applications to Attractor Properties
With Benedikt Jahnel.
Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 33, No. 6A, 4570-4607 (2023).
Trajectorial Dissipation of Phi-entropies for Interacting Particle Systems
With Benedikt Jahnel.
Journal of Statistical Physics 190, 119 (2023).
[1] doi:10.3390/e24101352 [arxiv, pdf]
Feedback Loops in Opinion Dynamics of Agent-Based Models with Multiplicative Noise
With Natasa Djurdjevac-Conrad and Ana Djurdjevac.
Entropy 24 (10), 1352 (2022).
Past talks
LA Probability Forum, Caltech, Los Angeles (Mar 2025)
UCLA Probability Seminar, Los Angeles (Feb 2025)
Interacting particles in the continuum @ Eurandom, Eindhoven (Sep 2024)
4th Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Rome (Jun 2024)
Paderborn probability seminar, Universität Paderborn (May 2024)
Postgraduate Online Probability Seminar (POPS), online (Feb 2024)
UCLA Probability Seminar, online (Feb 2024)
What is...? Seminar, Berlin Mathematical School, Berlin (Nov 2023; video)
Mathematics of Random Systems Summer School 2023, Kyoto (Sep 2023)
German Probability and Statistic Days 2023, Essen (Mar 2023)
BMS Student Conference 2023, TU Berlin (Feb 2023)
Analysis and Probability seminar, Universität Passau (Jan 2023)
Dies Mathematicus 2022, TU Berlin (Nov 2022; best talk award)
Interacting Random Systems seminar, WIAS Berlin (Nov 2022)
DMV Annual meeting, Berlin (Sept 2022)
BMS–BGSMath Junior Meeting, Barcelona (Sept 2022)
DMV Student Conference, MPI–MIS Leipzig (Aug 2022; best talk award)
Other activities
Since May 2024, I am a co-organiser of the Postgraduate Online Probability Seminar (POPS), a monthly online seminar which provides a platform for doctoral students and post-docs from all over the world to present and promote their research in areas related to probability and its applications. If you are interested in presenting your work or want to suggest a speaker, feel free to reach out by email!
I am co-founder of BLISS, a student-run club connecting interested students with AI/ML researchers and practicioners through weekly reading groups, invited talks, and coding challenges. If you want to know more about it or join one of our weekly meetings, write me an email!
Contact details
- Address
Room 503
Weierstraß Institut
Mohrenstraße 39
10117 Berlin
Germany - E-mail address
- koeppl@wias-berlin.de
Photo credit: Andrea Vollmer